Understanding the Rigid Brain.
We are all familiar with that much needed balance between logic and emotion. Ironically, the constant internal struggle between these two forces is precisely what ensures our stability. Maintaining that balance, keeps our choices, relationships and social interactions well-grounded and secure. More importantly, this Ying-Yang dynamic of heart and mind regulates our internal equilibrium. However, when this ratio is dysregulated and knocked off kilter, the impact on ourselves and the people around us can be of epic proportions. The following acronyms demonstrate some of the potential fall-out from a poor logic and emotion ratio.
Excessive Logistical Processing. ELP is often more casually recognized by rigid-like characteristics. However, in reality, the rigidity is more of a symptom of ELP. When logic strongly dominates emotion a seemingly inflexible disposition takes shape. Logic in of itself is unwavering, and sometimes unforgiving in nature. Logical equations as we know it are absolute and not subjected to mitigating factors. One plus one equals two is a non-debatable formula. It is factual in nature. Any unfortunate reality that may occur as a result of the equation still does not change or alter the reality that one plus is unequivocally two. The ELP mind tends to conceptualize most ideas in concrete and more black and white terms. To the average person without ELP, the brain is constantly processing the world dancing between logic, emotion, and social intuition. This well synced process allows for flexibility, and room for changing course depending on individual circumstances. The ELP brain however is more powered by logic and the concrete with less consideration for external factors. This rigid characteristic can also result in the brain getting “stuck”. Getting stuck, can be responsible for all sorts of seemingly difficult- to-change behaviors and issues.
Emotionally Muted System. Think of the brain as an embodiment of two muscles. The logical muscle and the emotional one. The logical muscle is responsible for the more logical and logistical processes. The emotional muscle powers feelings, emotions, intuition, and other more abstract virtues. Muscles however, require exercise and usage. When the Logical muscle takes over the emotional one takes a back seat. As they say, “If you don’t use it, you lose it”. Similar to a lazy eye the only treatment is to put a patch over the stronger eye. When logic dominates the emotional muscle is often stunted. What started as a weaker muscle has now become dormant and virtually nonexistent. Limited Emotional Processing diminishes a person’s ability to process and connect to emotions. Sadly, this can even inhibit the capacity to fully process pleasurable sensations.
Low Empathy Score. When rating empathy some of us naturally rate higher, others lower. There are many factors which can contribute to any one person’s ability to empathize, specifically, a person’s baseline sensitivity to feel. But it doesn’t end there. Regardless of a person’s capacity to feel emotion, there is yet an additional challenge when trying to empathize with others. Empathy requires stronger doses of abstract thinking. The further removed an experience is from our immediate world the more abstract and difficult to relate. So, in essence, there are at least two ingredients necessary for healthy empathy; emotional muscles and abstract thinking work together to allow you to connect to another person’s world.
Diminished Intuitive Signal. One of the most amazing instinctive gifts that man possesses is social intuition. Social intuition is not something we really think about or decide, nor is it flawless. It is, however, an inner voice or GPS-like navigation system that guides us in social situations. Not usually explainable or logical, our inner GPS just gives a slight feeling if we should proceed or withdraw, approach or backoff, comply or steadfast. We use it without even realizing it. The challenge however, is for the more logical or black and white thinker. Abstract feelings are stifled and even silenced over time. Individuals with DIS constantly need to recalculate the next step by manually shifting gears. Sadly, not only do they lose out from the automatic and intuitive intuition, but their sense of appropriate social direction becomes confusing and skewed. Quite often, DIS is at play when we evaluate someone in need of “social skills”.
Not all or Nothing
It is important to note, an imbalance in the logic and emotion ratio does not automatically result in all or any of the above-named acronyms. Some may struggle with ELP and not empathy, while others may only lack some social intuition. Some will fit none of the above descriptions. There are no definitive rules. What we do know is that people are complex and very unique in their individual presentations.
We can get you there!
The good news is that these issues are treatable! Our passion has been formulating effective protocols to successfully treat ELP rigidities and related issues. Our treatment plans consist of a combination of evidence-based modalities that are specifically geared to rigid-type issues.