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Do I Need Therapy? – Take This Self-Assessment Quiz to Find Out

When trying to assess if you need therapy, you need to figure out if you’re ready for change. This simple self-assessment quiz will help you with that. Work through each of the three parts of the quiz to determine if you’re ready for change.

As long as you’re willing to be introspective, you can take this quiz yourself without any professional analysis, so it’s perfect at this stage when you don’t even know if you need therapy.

It’s just you, reflecting on…you. The quiz has three parts:

Part 1: Identify your current status quo

Part 2: Determine if your status quo warrants change

Part 3: Assess your personal commitment to changing the status quo

Part 1: Identify your current status quo

To identify your status quo, ask yourself one question. Don’t think too long or hard about it; just pick the most accurate answer from those provided. Make it a knee-jerk response. Ready?

Which of the following four words most accurately describes your life:

  1. Content

  2. Unsettled

  3. Lacking

  4. Troubled

One of those words stood out to you, didn’t it?

If you felt the word “content” stood out, you’re in a pretty good place. You might not need to change your status quo at this time. You’ll want to continue with the second and third parts of the quiz in upcoming episodes, but realizing you’re content can be reassuring.

If the word that popped out for you was “unsettled,” there’s a reason for that. Something inside you feels uncertain and shaky, like change is coming whether you want it to or not. As you continue into parts two and three of the quiz, the reason behind this unsettled state may come to light, but already it’s offering a clue that your status quo may be about to change, like it or not.

Did the word “lacking” hit you with a depressing thud? Is your life missing elements that are essential to your health and happiness? The fact that you were struck with a sense of “lacking” hints that you may want to change up your status quo, explore what’s created this void, and find a way to live a richer, fuller life.

Finally, did the word “troubled” seem to fit? If so, I’m sorry. It’s not easy to wake up to life when it is best described as troubled. The quiz has already revealed a strong issue that will need attention. A desire to change from a troubled life to a content life may point you to therapy.

This simple question invited an initial level introspection that provided essential information. Today, you’ve found a word that comes close to capturing your status quo. Your life is either content, unsettled, lacking, or troubled. If any word other than “content” seemed to fit, you’ll want to pay close attention to the rest of the quiz.

Part 2: Determine if your status quo warrants change

This question also works best when you don’t overthink the answer. Read it and offer your first response.

If I knew my life would be exactly the same a year from now, how ok or not ok would I be with that?

How did you respond? How okay would you be with your life if it stayed exactly the same as it is now? Or how “not okay” would you be with it?

Your answer may have been immediate. You may have even shouted: “I am NOT okay with my life staying the same!” Take note of that instant and emotional response. That can help you decide you are indeed ready to change, and if you’re ready to change, you may be ready for therapy.

If for some reason you felt completely fine with the way things are—if your status quo today would be perfectly fine as your status quo a year from now—you may not be ready for change. And if you aren’t ready to change, you probably aren’t ready for therapy.

And that’s okay.

It’s good to know that before you research therapists and sign up for sessions, because you won’t get the most out of your therapist or your therapy sessions if you aren’t ready to change.

Part 3: Assess your personal commitment to changing the status quo

Now we’re ready for the next question—and the last one of this three-part quiz. This part of the quiz assesses your commitment to change. It’s a yes/no question:

If I had to pay 1,000 dollars to get my life to change right now, would I pay it?

If you answered yes, you would pay $1,000 to change your life, you’re probably ready for therapy and would benefit from it.

If you answered no, this may not be the right time.

But you have to look at all three answers to this quiz to fully understand where you’re at and what you want.

If the word that most accurately describes your life was “content,” from the Part 1, and you’re okay with your life being the same a year from now, and you don’t want to pay

$1,000 to change your life, this is not a good time for you to enter therapy. You are not ready for change.

If you answered the other extreme—that your life could be described as troubled, you do not want it to be exactly the same a year from now, and you would pay $1,000 to change your life right now—go for it. Therapy would be worth it for you. You’re ready for change. You’re ready to invest time and effort. You’re ready to commit to it.

It’s the middle ground that’s harder to be sure about. If you feel unsettled or lacking, and you’d like your life to be different but you aren’t ready to sink $1,000 into changing your life, you’ll have to give this some thought.

At some point, your answers may tip the scale. You’ll begin to realize you can no longer tolerate status quo, and it’s the right time to commit to change.

Just walking through these questions probably revealed a strong sense of your desire— even your will—to change.

If you feel a little nudge to consider therapy, keep these questions on hand and ask them every six months. If your answers change, you may realize your situation is different and you’re finally ready for change.

That’s the bottom line. Therapy and change go together: For therapy to be effective, you need to be ready to change. If you’re not there yet—if life can stay the same and you’re not willing or ready to commit to that change—you’re likely not ready to get the most out of your therapist. In fact, you’re probably not ready for therapy at all.

But when you’re ready, a therapist will be there for you, ready to help you change your status quo and move toward a healthier, saner life.


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